School Visits

A visit to the Museum is an excellent way to provide students with an understanding of what the past was like. Students will enjoy the learning about local history with the opportunity to see many objects in context and with the location central to Wollongong a broader historical excursion to the harbour, Andrew Lysaght Park and Market square could be possible.  Due to the availability of volunteers, visits on Wednesdays are preferred.  

Book a School Group


The exhibits the are on display currently are:

  • Victorian era bedroom and parlour
  • Schoolroom
  • Country store
  • Laundry
  • Colonial kitchen
  • Blacksmith’s shop
  • Farm shed with farm equipment and horse drawn vehicles


Two 15 minute videos are available to view some of the collection and exhibition you will expect to see at the museum and provide a brief history of the Illawarra. Click on the links below to access these.

Illawarra Museum Upstairs 

A Brief Journey Through the History of Illawarra


A visit to the museum generally requires about 1 hour and 15 minutes.  A a typical visit includes

  • welcome with a short talk about life before households had running water, sewerage, electricity, telephones (15 minutes)
  • group divided into to 4 or 5 sub-groups to undertake in rotation
    • schoolroom 
    • parlour, bedroom, country store
    • laundry
    • farm equipment and vehicles
    • kitchen

Where possible, students are encouraged to participate in activities such as grinding corn, washing clothes, weighing shop items and mixing cooking ingredients.  Precautions for students with allergic reactions are the responsibility of the school.


There is a charge of $3.00 per student.  There is no charge for teachers and carers.


Teachers are encouraged to prepare material prior to the visit. Some worksheets are avaliable from the museum (see below).

With sufficient notice, the Museum may be able to identify items in the collection that fit the particular curriculum needs of a class. Information is available from the Museum Manager on (02) 4228 7770  (please leave a message) or



The Museum is a two storey heritage building with some constraints that need to be taken into account when considering a school visit.

Plans of the building are available below.

  • The size and layout of the building limits to 30 the number of people who can be accommodated safely.  It is preferable that at least one teacher or carer accompanies each group of 15 students

  • Visits may have to be rescheduled in wet wwather if the total size of the group is greater than 20

  • A steep staircase is the only access to the upper floor.

  • Ramped access can be provided to the ground floor of the main building and to the yard but doorways are not wide enough for larger motorised wheelchairs.

  • Toilet facilities do not meet disability standards.

  • The role of Museum volunteers is to explain the exhibits.  Teachers and carers are responsible for the good behaviour of students.

  • If the building has to be evacuated, Museum volunteers will direct visitors to the safest exit - usually the front door where the assembly point is on the footpath to the right near the school zone sign.  Teachers and carers are responsible for moving students across the road to Market Square.  If the exit is through the rear gate, the assembly point is on the footpath. Teachers and carers are responsible for moving students across Queens Parade and then to Market Square.

  • The Museum has a small first aid kit but the school group is responsible for providing any specialist equipment or medication requirements relative to student needs.  Museum volunteers do not have first aid training.

Worksheet Level 3/4
Market Square Worksheet Level 2/3
Worksheet Level 7
Plans: Museum upper level
Plans: Museum downstairs
Plans: Museum courtyard

Organise your next visit, book a group or view museum hours.